
Canada Ranchers Under Quarantine to Receive Federal Funding

DanCattle, Industry News Release

cattle ranchers
Canada announced funding support for ranchers that are currently under a federal quarantine stemming from a bovine tuberculosis investigation in Southeast Alberta. Online publication AgCanada reports the ranchers who are having to feed and maintain quarantined cattle they cannot move or sell can expect a federal AgriRecovery plan to help cover the costs. The government will be working with the Alberta cattle industry “in the coming days” on program details. Funding for what will be called the 2016 Bovine Tuberculosis Assistance Initiative is still pending final authorization, but will start “as quickly and simply as possible.” Costs eligible for the program would include feeding and water infrastructure, animal feed, transportation, cleaning and disinfection, as well as interest charges on loans due to the circumstances. Around 50 cattle ranches are under quarantine after a U.S. packing plant reported bovine tuberculosis was found in a cow from Alberta earlier this year. Many of the cattle within the quarantine zone are slated to be destroyed, according to Canada’s government.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.