trade meeting

Canada PM Warming up to TPP, CETA Still Possible

DanIndustry News Release, Trade

Canada’s Prime Minister appears to be warming up to the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement following the stalled negotiations of a trade deal between the European Union and Canada. Justin Trudeau (True-doh) told a youth summit this week it was “difficult to imagine” Canada rejecting the TPP. Specifically, he says: “It’s difficult to imagine a world where Canada would turn its back on three of its top five trading partners,” being the United States, Japan and Mexico. Politico reports that the TPP was finalized before Trudeau took office, and he has yet to take a formal stance on the deal. Meanwhile, talks between Belgium and the European Union are reportedly progressing regarding opposition to the trade deal between the EU and Canada. Belgium’s Wallonia region has blocked the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement, but the EU says it is possible the deal could still be signed this week. An official with the European Commission commented Wednesday that: “When it happens is less important than that it happens.” The EU and Canada had planned to sign the trade agreement at a summit Today (Thursday) in Canada.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.