Canola flower planting, rapeseed oil base.

Canada, China, Sign Canola and Beef Trade Agreement

DanIndustry News Release, Trade

Canola flower planting, rapeseed oil base.
Trade leaders from Canada and China have signed a trade agreement that supports canola exports to China. Canola is Canada’s second-largest export and top agricultural export to China, according to World Grain News. Canada’s Prime Minister and China’s Premier agreed on a memo that outlines “stable and predictable trade” for exports of Canola to China. The agreement allows uninterrupted canola trade between Canada and China through 2020. The agreement stems from blackleg disease that affects canola in Canada and China’s concern of the disease entering the nation through exports. The agreement ensures the two countries will work together to prevent blackleg disease from entering China. The two nations also signed a protocol to expand market access for frozen bone-in beef from Canada and have also advanced several key initiatives to support trade in pork, bovine genetics and some processed foods.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.