California’s Receives Federal Grant

Taylor HillmanEducation, California’s premier, go-to source for agriculture students and employers, was awarded a federal grant this month by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The funding will support the creation of a comprehensive, one-stop online repository of internship opportunities in California pertaining specifically to specialty crops – all at no cost to either interns or employers.

With more than two jobs available for every college graduate in agriculture, employers currently have a very tight talent pool from which to choose. director of outreach, Shannon Douglass, is excited about the impact this project is expected to have on those statistics. “With an existing shortage of qualified professionals to support the specialty crop production industry, compounded by decreasing student enrollment in related, critical fields, it is now more important than ever to effectively showcase the vibrant internship opportunities available, and ultimately draw more people and talent into this arena as a potential career path.”

By providing a free, one-stop platform matching students and employers, CalAgJobs will not only increase awareness of current job openings, it will also promote possible careers important to the state’s economy. Specialty crop producers stand to benefit most, as they’ll be able to more easily identify and recruit interns, while the industry as a whole will be better able to attract people into crucial careers in specialty crops.