California Processing Tomato Report, tomatoes, food processing

California Processing Tomato Production Down from 2023

Brian GermanFruits & Vegetables, Industry, Tomatoes

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), California’s contracted processing tomato production is forecast at 11.3 million tons, a 12 percent decrease from last year and two percent below the May forecast. USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service reports the expected harvested acreage as being 226,000, down 11 percent from 2023.

Processing Tomato

While favorable spring conditions helped the processing tomato crop early on, high summer temperatures have negatively impacted yields. Despite concerns over curly top virus in the San Joaquin Valley, no significant damage occurred. The harvest began in July and will finish earlier than last year, by October. Although early crop quality is good, the effect of heat waves on later plantings is uncertain. Shipments through August 24 are up 29 percent from last year but show a 12 percent decrease when compared to the halfway point of 2023.

Listen to the report below.

Brian German
Ag News Director / AgNet West