CA Grape Acreage Report

DanCommodity Report, Grapes, Industry News Release

California Grape Acreage ReportThe California Grape Acreage Report, 2015 Crop detailed data is now available online.

Data is available for download in both PDF and Excel formats by table or as a PDF of the complete report.

The California Department of Food and Agriculture partners with the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) Pacific Regional Office to conduct an annual acreage survey of California grape growers. The purpose of this survey is to provide annual grape acreage with information on new plantings and removals. It is a continuation of a long series of industry-funded grape acreage surveys.

This report consists of two parts:

  1. grape acreage — bearing, non-bearing, and total, and
  2. detailed data by variety, and year planted — as voluntarily reported by grape growers and maintained in our database.

We sincerely thank the many farm operators, owners, and management firms providing the information.

Funding was provided by an assessment on wine grapes plus funding from the California Table Grape Commission and the Raisin Administrative Committee.