California Fluid Milk and Cream Review

DanDairy & Livestock

usda-logoFarm milk production in CALIFORNIA plateaued according to several milk handlers. With steady milk intakes, processors report all milk loads are finding processing room. Some silo storage is available in larger plants to accommodate additional milk loads over the long weekend. Class 1 interest is steady to lower as many school districts adjust orders to cover school meal program needs without overbuying as the end of the semester approaches. Condensed skim demand into frozen dessert production is active as current pricing is encouraging use ahead of condensed buttermilk in some areas.

Fluid Milk and Cream Review – WEST (Full Report .pdf)

California Manufacturing Plants – Nonfat Dry Milk (Full Report .pdf)

Dry Buttermilk – West (Full Report .pdf)

Dry Whey – West (Full Report .pdf)

Nonfat Dry Milk – West (Full Report .pdf)

Whey Protein Concentrate – Central and West (Full Report .pdf)