California Drought Always a Possibility

Taylor HillmanDrought, Water

A California drought will always be a possibility and it’s truly amazing what the state produces agriculturally with its climate challenges.

Droughts Always a Possibility

California has weather characteristics that are unique to the region. Center for Watershed Sciences Director Jay Lund says it really is amazing that the state can produce the amount of agriculture it does despite some of those challenges. He says unfortunately drought is something California agriculture will always have to live with.

Latest Drought News from Calif. Governor
With California facing one of the most severe droughts on record, Gov. Brown declared a drought State of Emergency in January and directed state officials to take all necessary actions to prepare for water shortages. The state has continued to lead the way to make sure California is able to cope with an unprecedented drought. Read more here.

State Water Board Authorizes $5 Million to Help Private Well Owners and Small Water Systems
The State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) adopted a resolution today authorizing the allocation of $5 million in funds to help residents on private wells and small water systems who are facing water emergencies. The funds, which will be administered by nonprofit organizations, will help individuals that have an immediate drought-related water shortage or outage. The $5 million will fund interim and permanent solutions such as new wells, well rehabilitation, and consolidation into new or existing public water systems. The funding will expand and augment the existing grant and low-interest loan program nonprofit organizations are currently offering through a U.S. Department of Agriculture-funded program. Read more here.