California Chill Report: Grower Finds Success with Dormex in Pistachios

Brian GermanChill Hour Report, News from our Sponsors


Gerry Watson, owner of Watson Ag Irrigation and Chemical, has reported promising results from trials using Dormex on his pistachio acreage in Fresno County. Watson, who also farms table grapes and almonds, said he was already familiar with the product with already having used it successfully in his grapes. “Two years ago, when I found they had labeled Dormex for pistachios, I decided to put it on a plot and see if it helped,” said Watson. Describing his application method, he explained, “I mixed it at a full rate, sprayed it at 100 gallons an acre with an air sprayer, covering around 12 rows in my planting.”

Watson began working with Dormex in his pistachios two years ago and noted that the results were impressive. Initially, the plan was to make an application to 12 rows of trees. When it came time to harvest, Watson decided to have the harvester focus on the 12 rows that received a Dormex application separately.  “When I figured it out, I made like 266 pounds a row more out of that plot of 12 rows than the rest of the field. So, I started thinking and I said, well, I think I’ll do it again next year,” Watson noted.

Information from the UC Davis Chill Calculator shows that as of January 2, the Durham CIMIS station has logged 35.7 portions under the dynamic model, with 559 hours below 45°F. The station in Manteca has registered 32.3 portions, with 478 hours. There have been 613 hours in Merced, with 30.6 cumulative portions. In Five Points, there have been 482 chill hours, equating to 29.4 portions. Finally, the CIMIS station in Shafter has registered 28.8 portions, with 493 hours.

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