California Chill Report: Fresno County Farmer Sees Yield Boost with Dormex

Brian GermanChill Hour Report, News from our Sponsors


Gerry Watson, owner of Watson Ag Irrigation and Chemical, is excited to share promising outcomes from his trials using Dormex on pistachio acreage in Fresno County. Already familiar with Dormex’s success in his table grapes, Watson applied it to 6th leaf pistachios two years ago, mixing it at a full rate and spraying at 100 gallons per acre, covering approximately 12 rows. The results were impressive, prompting Watson to focus on the Dormex-treated rows during harvest, yielding a remarkable 266 pounds more per row than the rest of the field.

Watson expressed his satisfaction, saying, “It definitely made quite a difference”. In the subsequent year, Watson repeated the Dormex application, alternating rows, and observed a significant impact on yield. “I went from three truckloads to 14 truckloads. So, it was a substantial difference.”

While acknowledging the importance of chill hours for pistachio production, Watson saw Dormex as a valuable tool to enhance bud break timing, especially in years with insufficient chill. He explained, “I think we had pretty adequate chill hours last season, but you know, I think in a year when you don’t, it would really pay off.” Watson, farming Golden Hills variety pistachios on UCB-1 rootstock, emphasized the visual difference in the treated rows, not only to himself but also to fellow growers.

Information from the UC Davis Chill Calculator shows that as of January 8, the Shafter CIMIS station has logged 33 portions under the dynamic model, with 561 hours below 45°F. The station in Five Points has registered 33.6 portions, with 557 hours. There have been 700 hours in Merced, with 34.5 cumulative portions. In Manteca, there have been 545 chill hours, equating to 37.4 portions. Finally, the CIMIS station in Durham has registered 41.2 portions, with 638 hours.

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