California Avocado Crop Forecast Higher Than Initially Projected

Brian GermanFruits & Vegetables, Industry, Stone Fruit

California avocado

The California avocado crop is expected to be larger than initially anticipated. The California Avocado Commission announced at its June 6 Board meeting that the 2024 avocado crop is estimated to exceed 250 million pounds. That figure is based on a represents a mid-season grower and packer survey and represents a 20 percent increase from the pre-season estimate. With 60 percent of the avocado crop already harvested, a significant portion remains on the trees, providing a good supply of various sizes for customers.

The CAC Board approved additional marketing investments for the fiscal year, enhancing support for retailers during California Avocado Month and beyond. CAC marketing efforts, including advertising, social media campaigns, and customized retailer support, will emphasize the locally grown and sustainably farmed attributes of California avocados.

Listen to the report below.

Brian German
Ag News Director / AgNet West