California Among State Farm Bureaus Honored for Excellence at #AFBF16

Taylor HillmanGeneral

State Farm Bureaus were presented awards at the American Farm Bureau Federation’s 97th Annual Convention and IDEAg Trade Show. The awards recognized their excellence in membership achievement and implementation of outstanding programs serving members in 2015.

The Pinnacle Award, the highest honor a state can be awarded for program and membership achievement, was given to Iowa, Kansas, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Montana and North Carolina.

The Awards for Excellence were awarded to state Farm Bureaus that demonstrated outstanding achievements in six program areas: Education and Outreach; Leadership Development; Member Services; Membership Initiatives; Policy Development and Implementation; and Public Relations and Communications.

The Awards for Excellence winners by state and category are:
• Alabama (Education and Outreach; Leadership Development; Member Services; Membership Initiatives; Policy Development and Implementation; and Public Relations and Communications);
• Arizona (Education and Outreach; Leadership Development; Member Services; Membership Initiatives; Policy Development and Implementation; and Public Relations and Communications);
• California (Education and Outreach; Leadership Development; Member Services; Membership Initiatives; Policy Development and Implementation; and Public Relations and Communications);
• Colorado (Leadership Development; Member Services; Membership Initiatives; Policy Development and Implementation; and Public Relations and Communications);
• Connecticut (Education and Outreach; Leadership Development; Member Services; Policy Development and Implementation; and Public Relations and Communications);
• Florida (Education and Outreach; Leadership Development; Member Services; Membership Initiatives; Policy Development and Implementation; and Public Relations and Communications);
• Georgia (Education and Outreach; Leadership Development; Member Services; Membership Initiatives; Policy Development and Implementation; and Public Relations and Communications);
• Idaho (Education and Outreach; Leadership Development; Member Services; Membership Initiatives; Policy Development and Implementation; and Public Relations and Communications);
• Illinois (Education and Outreach; Leadership Development; Member Services; Membership Initiatives; Policy Development and Implementation; and Public Relations and Communications);
• Indiana (Education and Outreach; Leadership Development; Member Services; Membership Initiatives; Policy Development and Implementation; and Public Relations and Communications);
• Iowa (Education and Outreach; Leadership Development; Member Services; Membership Initiatives; Policy Development and Implementation; and Public Relations and Communications);
• Kansas (Education and Outreach; Leadership Development; Member Services; Membership Initiatives; Policy Development and Implementation; and Public Relations and Communications);
• Kentucky (Education and Outreach; Leadership Development; Member Services; Membership Initiatives; Policy Development and Implementation; and Public Relations and Communications);
• Louisiana (Education and Outreach; Leadership Development; Member Services; Membership Initiatives; Policy Development and Implementation; and Public Relations and Communications);
• Maryland (Education and Outreach; Leadership Development; Member Services; Membership Initiatives; Policy Development and Implementation; and Public Relations and Communications);
• Massachusetts (Education and Outreach; Leadership Development; Member Services; Membership Initiatives; Policy Development and Implementation; and Public Relations and Communications);
• Michigan (Education and Outreach; Leadership Development; Member Services; Membership Initiatives; Policy Development and Implementation; and Public Relations and Communications);
• Minnesota (Education and Outreach; Leadership Development; Member Services; Membership Initiatives; Policy Development and Implementation; and Public Relations and Communications);
• Mississippi (Education and Outreach; Member Services; Policy Development and Implementation; and Public Relations and Communications);
• Missouri (Education and Outreach; Leadership Development; Member Services; Membership Initiatives; Policy Development and Implementation; and Public Relations and Communications);
• Montana (Education and Outreach; Leadership Development; Member Services; Membership Initiatives; Policy Development and Implementation; and Public Relations and Communications);
• Nebraska (Education and Outreach; Leadership Development; Member Services; Membership Initiatives; and Policy Development and Implementation);
• Nevada (Education and Outreach; Leadership Development; Member Services; Policy Development and Implementation; and Public Relations and Communications);
• New Mexico (Education and Outreach; Policy Development and Implementation; and Public Relations and Communications);
• New York (Education and Outreach; Leadership Development; Membership Initiatives; Policy Development and Implementation; and Public Relations and Communications);
• North Carolina (Education and Outreach; Leadership Development; Member Services; Membership Initiatives; Policy Development and Implementation; and Public Relations and Communications);
• Ohio (Education and Outreach; Leadership Development; Member Services; Membership Initiatives; Policy Development and Implementation; and Public Relations and Communications);
• Oklahoma (Education and Outreach; Leadership Development; Member Services; Policy Development and Implementation; and Public Relations and Communications);
• Oregon (Education and Outreach; Leadership Development; Member Services; Policy Development and Implementation; and Public Relations and Communications);
• Pennsylvania (Education and Outreach; Leadership Development; Member Services; Membership Initiatives; Policy Development and Implementation; and Public Relations and Communications);
• Rhode Island (Education and Outreach);
• South Carolina (Education and Outreach; Leadership Development; Member Services; Membership Initiatives; Policy Development and Implementation; and Public Relations and Communications);
• Tennessee (Education and Outreach; Leadership Development; Member Services; Membership Initiatives; Policy Development and Implementation; and Public Relations and Communications);
• Texas (Education and Outreach; Leadership Development; Member Services; Membership Initiatives; Policy Development and Implementation; and Public Relations and Communications);
• Utah (Education and Outreach; Leadership Development; Member Services; Membership Initiatives; Policy Development and Implementation; and Public Relations and Communications);
• Virginia (Education and Outreach; Leadership Development; Member Services; Membership Initiatives; Policy Development and Implementation; and Public Relations and Communications);
• Washington (Education and Outreach; Leadership Development; Member Services; Policy Development and Implementation; and Public Relations and Communications);
• Wisconsin (Education and Outreach; Leadership Development; Member Services; Membership Initiatives; Policy Development and Implementation; and Public Relations and Communications); and
• Wyoming (Education and Outreach; Leadership Development; and Public Relations and Communications).

Presidents Awards were presented to states for each membership-sized group that achieved quota and demonstrated superiority in the Awards for Excellence categories. The winning states and the number of President’s Awards earned are: Arizona (2); Georgia (1); Idaho (2); Iowa (5); Kansas (2); Kentucky (1); Massachusetts (6), Michigan (1); Minnesota (2); Missouri (2); Montana (3); Nevada (1); North Carolina (3); Pennsylvania (3); Texas (1); and Utah (1).

New Horizon Awards, honoring states with the most innovative new programs, were presented to: Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Kentucky, Michigan and Pennsylvania.