CA Dairyman Honored With Award

Taylor HillmanCattle, Corn, Dairy & Livestock, Forage Crops, General

A California dairy farmer is now known around the state for his tireless work on land conservation practices. Dino Giacomazzi also shares his ideas with anyone who wants to better care for the land they farm.


You won’t hear the sound of tilling corn fields very often on Dino Giacomazzi’s farm in King’s County. You see he’s is committed to conservation tillage. At the recent California Farm Bureau Federation’s annual meeting in Pasadena, he was honored with the Leopold Conservation award. Only eight people in eight states receive this award each year. Giacomazzi is a dairy farmer who knows the benefits of conservation practices in the fields that grow corn and wheat for silage. And Giacomazzi is sharing what he knows about conservation tillage with other dairy farmers. He’s posted his methods on social websites and has held demonstrations and field days at his farm.