
Business, Agriculture Pressing Trump to Salvage TPP

DanIndustry News Release, Trade

Business interests, along with agriculture groups, want the new administration to reconsider the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a trade deal incoming President Donald Trump vowed to drop on “day one” once in office. The Wall Street Journal reports the groups are arguing that the Trump administration does not have to accept the current agreement negotiated by the Obama administration. Rather Trump could look to make changes to the deal, rename it and turn TPP into a Trump initiative to boost U.S. exports to Asia and write new trade rules for the Asia Pacific region. Among those urging the Trump team to take another look at an Asia-Pacific deal are the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the Business Roundtable, the American Farm Bureau and a number of companies. The Trans-Pacific Partnership would mean billions of dollars in agriculture sales thanks to improved exports, but chances are still slim of seeing the agreement move forward in the near future.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.