
Bringing Ag and Tech Professionals Together Key to Successful Innovation

Brian GermanRadio Reports, Technology

Bringing agriculture and tech professionals together is going to be critical to maximize the success of new innovations. There has been growing interest in methods for bridging the gap between the two communities to help spur the development and adoption of useful ag technology. VP of Product and Sustainability for Deveron, Liron Brish noted that engineers in the technology sector would be better served learning more about what the end user wants from new agtech, and the same approach can apply to the agriculture industry as well.

“The way to look at this is to merge those agronomic insights with open ecosystems in a way for those insights to really be integrated into those technologies that have already been adopted,” Brish explained. “It goes both ways. I’m a huge proponent of getting smart agronomy folks out to the tech conferences and smart tech folks out into the field, getting their hands dirty.”

Listen to the radio report below.

Bringing Ag and Tech Professionals Together Key to Successful Innovation
About the Author

Brian German

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Ag News Director, AgNet West