
Brazil Poultry Producers Are Potential U.S. Corn Buyers

DanIndustry News Release, Poultry

Northeast Brazil poultry producers will not be buying any U.S. corn in the short term as they have most of what they need booked. This is in spite of the government’s decision to allow some genetically modified corn shipments from the U.S. into the country. Many producers already had deals in place to ship corn from Argentina even though freight costs to ship corn from the U.S. Gulf Coast are less than bringing it in from Argentina. Brazil officials haven’t ruled out shipments coming in from the U.S. Some of the trade talk says Argentina can only supply Brazil with corn through February of 2017. 15 total shipments are booked to come into Brazil, but officials say another 12 shipments may be needed before Brazil begins harvesting its own crop.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.