If you have a beautiful rock garden you need pretty plants to accent it. Some of the best plants are low maintenance perennials that don’t mind poor soil and drought, but will need some good drainage.
Euphorbia is one that comes to mind. This amazing family of succulents comes in a seemingly endless selection of shapes, sizes, and colors.
Or, how about Candytuft. This easy-care perennial is deer and drought resistant and produces a stunning carpet of snow-white flowers atop bright evergreen foliage.
Alyssum, commonly called Basket of Gold, perennial alyssum makes a wonderful wall or rock garden plant.
Thrift, often called sea pink, originally grew wild on ocean-side cliffs so you know it will tolerate salt spray, heat, and punishing winds.
And then there’s Hens and Chicks. These adorable, ground-hugging plants are a lot like potato chips; you can’t stop with just one. Hens-and-chicks come in a wide assortment of shapes, sizes, and colors so they are super collectible. Each plant (the hen) sends out babies (the chicks) on short runners eventually forming a tight mat of pretty foliage.
Listen to Cathy Isom’s report.