
Belgium Region Ignoring Deadline, Leaving Infinite Timeline on CETA

DanIndustry News Release, Trade

A small region of Belgium that blocked a major trade deal last week between the European Union and Canada won’t give in on its position. Belgium’s Wallonia region had until Monday evening to make a final decision regarding the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement, but a leader for the region said: “We will not decide anything under an ultimatum or under pressure.” The region is demanding stronger safeguards on labor, environmental and consumer standards, according to the BBC. Canada’s trade minister returned home last week following last minute negotiations saying it seemed “impossible” to complete the agreement. The deal was expected to be signed by the European Commission and Canada during a trade summit later this week. Canada is still holding out hope as the nation’s Prime Minister said on Twitter Monday: “We think Thursday’s summit is still possible.” The trade agreement was considered a stepping stone to other trade agreements, including the failed Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership between the U.S. and the EU, along with a potential post-Brexit deal between the EU and the United Kingdom.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.