Beetle Causes Problems for Citrus Exports

Taylor HillmanCitrus, Specialty Crops, Tree, nut & vine crops

Another concern for California citrus growers. Now, beetle eggs could interrupt exports to South Korea. Sabrina Hill has more.
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South Korea is the top importer of California navel oranges, to the amount of about $213-million every year added to California’s citrus industry. However, the Fuller Rose Beetle could keep our oranges out of South Korea. The beetle is a quarantined pest there, and now that county’s government is stepping up their quarantine action. As AgNet West reported back in October, South Korean officials have said they will work with the California Citrus Industry on the matter– however they are changing some of the pest control methods allowed. Citrus industry leaders are still working on finding a solution.

For our previous story on the Fuller Rose Beetle, click here.