Beef Industry Should Focus on Consumer


BeefUSAlogoA speaker scheduled for the 2014 Cattle Industry Convention and NCBA Trade Show says the beef industry should focus on consumer satisfaction in the coming year. Sabrina Hill has more.

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This year’s National Cattlemen’s Beef Association’s Cattlemen’s College will take place February 3rd and 4th during the 2014 Cattle Industry Convention and NCBA Trade Show in Nashville, Tennessee.

During the program – cattlemen and women will have the opportunity to hear from Dr. Molly McAdams. McAdams says different consumers say different things about beef, so she says producers should focus on consumer satisfaction and the value of their product.

McAdams challenges producers to walk in the consumers’ shoes because they aren’t familiar with the beef industry and don’t interact with the industry. She says the more producers can think like a consumer instead of thinking about a consumer – the better producers will be able to understand consumer behavior.

For registration information and a complete schedule for the 2014 Cattle Industry Convention and NCBA Trade Show – visit