
Bayer Promising Billions in Research, Jobs in Merger with Monsanto

DanIndustry News Release

shareholders billions
Bayer AG has promised U.S. President-elect Donald Trump the Bayer-Monsanto merger will bring billions of dollars in research and development spending in the U.S. and make a significant commitment to creating jobs. Trump’s transition team confirmed a deal was reached between Trump and Bayer despite the agreement still being analyzed by regulatory authorities. Incoming White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said Bayer has committed to $8 billion in new U.S. research and development. Bayer will also keep 100 percent of Monsanto’s 9,000 plus U.S. workforce, and add 3,000 new U.S. high-tech jobs. The National Farmers Union called the announcement “deeply disturbing” if it leads to an approval of the Bayer-Monsanto acquisition by the incoming Trump Administration. NFU President Roger Johnson urged Trump to “reject the notion that corporate consolidation benefits family farmers and rural America.”

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.