
Bayer Loses Belt SC Appeal

DanEnvironment, Industry News Release

Bayer appealBayer CropScience has lost an appeal of the registration status for SC Belt insecticide. The Environmental Protection Agency pulled the conditional registration in February for the product and Bayer’s attempt to reverse the action failed, the company announced Monday. Belt is the trademark name for Bayer’s insecticide used in some areas to control caterpillar pests in soybeans. DTN reports that a decision was handed down by EPA’s Environmental Appeals Board to allow distributors and retailers to distribute and sell remaining Belt inventories. Growers must continue using the product consistent with label directions. A Bayer spokesperson says while the company will comply with the EPA decision, but called the actions by the EPA “unlawful and inconsistent with sound regulatory risk assessment practices. EPA officials asked Bayer in early February to voluntarily cancel the 2008 conditional registration for Belt SC insecticide. The company refused and the agency moved to cancel anyway.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.