ASTA Supports GMO Labeling Agreement

DanIndustry News Release, Seeds

ASTA Supports Roberts-Stabenow Agreement on GMO Labeling

The American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) applauds Senate Agriculture Chairman Pat Roberts and Ranking Member Stabenow for reaching a common sense food-labeling agreement.

“The bipartisan Roberts-Stabenow labeling proposal is a practical solution to prevent a costly and confusing patchwork of state food-labeling laws from being enacted across the nation,” said ASTA President & CEO Andrew LaVigne.  “We commend the Senators for their efforts in reaching a common-sense compromise that works for the agriculture industry and consumers alike.  The agreement will bring much-needed consistency and transparency to the marketplace, and we urge the Senate to pass the proposal as soon as possible.”

With Vermont’s labeling law set to take effect on July 1, urgent action is needed. The Senate must pass the bill, so the House can do the same when it returns from recess on July 5.