Assembly Approves Gray’s State Fairs Funding Bill

Taylor HillmanFFA Report, General, Industry News Release

State fairs fundingThe California State Assembly approves a bill that funds reinvestment back in California’s 77 state fairs. AB 2678 by Assembly member Adam C. Gray (D-Merced) would generate $14-16 million in annual funding for the fairs.

Gray explains that “fairs have struggled to stay open since the state eliminated funding during the fiscal crisis.” He continues with explaining to us that “this legislation ensures that a portion of the sales taxes generated by the fairs themselves are reinvested to keep these valuable assets open and thriving.” He says that they know how important the fairgrounds are to the communities they serve in Merced and Stanislaus County. He states that “They are economic engines, creating jobs, attracting investments, and serving as a place for the community stage agricultural, educational, and charitable events. They are far too valuable for our state to continue to ignore their struggles.”

AB 2678 now heads to the California State Senate for consideration.