
ARS Launches New Project to Engage the Next Generation of Researchers

Brian GermanAgri-Business, Radio Reports


The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is working to ensure the next generation of agriculturalists are equipped with the necessary skills. A new project was recently launched by USDA’s Agricultural Research Service aimed at educational outreach in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). The Three Sisters Project will work to foster opportunities for high school students to explore career pathways in agricultural science and other STEM-related fields.

A pilot phase of the project will begin in the Chicago High School for Agricultural Sciences. The program will include virtual seminars, ARS lab field trips, experiential training, as well as science fair consultations and competitions. The curriculum will expose students to an array of subjects including the economics of agriculture, animal science, and food technology. The goal is to use the pilot program as a model for other schools as an expansion of the Three Sisters Project.

Listen to the radio report below.

ARS Launches New Project to Engage the Next Generation of Researchers
About the Author

Brian German

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Ag News Director, AgNet West