Gary Cooper reports on a super-charged debate in Washington D.C. on reducing the use of corn for ethanol in exchange for livestock feed. Ranchers are hurting due to the shortage …
Drought Fuels Feed vs Fuel Debate as 156 in Congress Weigh-In
This week’s debate about what to do with the drought stricken corn crop continues. Animal agriculture interests want EPA to waive the mandate for corn ethanol production, while ethanol interests …
AgNet West Radio Network Covers California; Announces Sales Representative
Network Announces J. L. Farmakis, Inc. as National Sales Representative; “KROP” Radio First of a Dozen Charter Affiliates Joining Network; All Major California Ag Areas Covered with Prime Network Airtimes …
Experts to Speak at Upcoming Field Days
Top agricultural advisors and specialists in the state’s cotton, alfalfa and almond industries will discuss current issues affecting these crops and offer valuable pest management and production tips to San …
Fruit Fly Eradicated From San Joaquin County
Source: California Grape and Tree Fruit League An eradication of Oriental Fruit Fly (OFF) in the Stockton area of San Joaquin County was announced recently, ending a 118-square-mile quarantine that …
Report Cites Big Health Benefits
Source: California Grape and Tree Fruit League According to new studies by a Texas research team, peaches, plums and nectarines have bioactive compounds that can potentially fight off obesity-related diabetes …
Senate Votes on Farm Bill
The U.S. Senate voted on the Farm Bill (S. 3240 -Agriculture Reform, Food, and Jobs Act of 2012 ) this afternoon. To see the vote CLICK HERE. Sponsored ContentCIR Agriculture …
Walnut Twig Beetle Trapping Guidelines
Source: University of California The University of California Statewide Integrated Pest Management Program has just published trapping guidelines for the detection of the walnut twig beetle. This tiny beetle, only …
AF36 Approved for Pistachios
AF36 is a strain of fungus/mold that does not produce toxic aflatoxin, and has been approved by the EPA and California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) to be applied to …
Raisin Shipments UP
Source: Raisin Administration Committee The May 2012 shipment report of California Natural (sun-dried) Seedless (NS) Raisins shows that domestic shipments (including Canada) were 14,592 packed tons, compared to 13,036 tons …
FAACT Leadership Development Program
Fresno County Farm Bureau’s Leadership Development Program is accepting applications to be part of the 2012-2013 Future Advocates for Agriculture Concerned about Tomorrow (FAACT) Class X. The deadline to apply …
2012 Farm Bill Loses Steam in Senate
Movement on the farm bill in the Senate slowed to a crawl Thursday, with most of the action taking place behind the scenes. USDA’s Gary Crawford gives this report with …
Ag Groups Combat Heat Stress
Heat stress is a problem, and several organizations have come up with an educational tool for this. Please CLICK HERE for information in obtaining information (in .pdf format). Sponsored ContentCIR Agriculture Harvester …
2012 Farm Bill: Farmers Pursue Air Quality Pgm
Calling it a unique opportunity to improve air quality and assist in stewardship of natural resources, a coalition of groups led by the California Farm Bureau Federation and the Nisei …