Cathy Isom fills you in about just a few houseplants that are almost impossible to kill. That’s coming up on This Land of ours.
Even if you don’t have the best track record for keeping plants alive there are a number of houseplants that are almost impossible to kill.

The Crassula Ovata, commonly referred to as the Jade plant or money tree. Sit this one on a sunny shelf and watch it thrive – just water moderately when in growth and very sparingly when dormant.

You’d have to try pretty hard to kill the humorously named Mother-in-law’s-tongue. The extremely tough foliage plant can withstand neglect, responding best to the lightest of watering and then just being left alone.

The cast iron plant is an almost indestructible plant. Its very tolerant of irregular watering and, while it will deal with almost any light level, the elegant plant is best kept in full or partial shade.

The Swiss cheese plant is a highly sought after house plant. It’s an easy pleaser, thriving with just a light watering and in most light conditions – just give it a misting every few days if you can.
I’m Cathy Isom…