
Almond Update: Trade Relationships Needed While Remaining Desirable to Consumers

Brian GermanAlmond Update

Trade Relationships

At last week’s Almond Conference, Former US Trade Representative Darci Vetter and Former USDA Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Krysta Harden addressed the current agricultural landscape. Harden noted the need to listen to consumers to remain relevant in a world of options. “We have to think a little differently and I believe in the U.S. we are,” Harden said. “We are recognizing that sometimes global decisions…those pressures they are feeling from a growingly more aware and sophisticated consumer…who want to know that the folks who are producing (their food) are just as committed to things they care about.”

Vetter, unfortunately, believes that trade conflicts will continue and the U.S. will need some alliances to balance the issue with China. “We need our allies to put more pressure on China than we have been able to unilaterally,” Vetter said. She believes the recent trade interactions between the U.S. and the European Union are a good sign of that happening. 

Listen to their comments.

Almond Update: Trade Relationships Needed While Remaining Desireable to Consumers
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Taylor Hillman