Almond Update: Strategic Retreat Helps Refocus Industry Efforts and Priorities

Brian GermanAlmond Update, News from our Sponsors

The Almond Board of California (ABC) Board of Directors recently concluded their strategic retreat in Palm Springs. Held every two years, the event serves as an opportunity to discuss the current state of the industry and where it may be headed in the future. ABC Board Chair Brian Wahlbrink said it was a successful event and expressed his appreciation for the opportunity to get together and focus on the most relevant industry issues.

Strategic Retreat

“I think the retreat was structured around three main pillars,” said Wahlbrink . “The first obviously being driving global demand. The second, supporting a favorable trade and regulatory environment and then the third pillar, maximizing industry efficiency and profitability.”

Approximately 30 people were on hand for the three-day strategic retreat, which used to be held every three years. Wahlbrink explained that the decision to increase the frequency of the retreats was in response to the rapid changes happening in areas affecting the industry. The impact of COVID has highlighted the speed at which things can change and emphasized the value of industry cohesion.   

“Things around the world are changing so fast so we really want to be responsive to what’s going on and really be relevant to the industry,” Wahlbrink explained. “I think the main focus of this really was driving global demand. How do we move this supply? That really makes up the bulk of the Almond Board budget.”

Elections Underway for 2022-2023 Crop Year

ABC Board of Directors elections have officially opened up. Two independent grower positions and one independent handler position is available, along with their corresponding alternate seats. Anyone interested in the open positions will need to file their petitions or declarations of candidacy by April 1.

“This is a grower and handler board and we’re really looking for widespread representation across the industry. We have some great individuals there but it’s always good to get more people involved,” said Wahlbrink. “So, if you have the passion, the willingness, and the excitement, then take a look at the elections.”

Listen to Wahlbrink’s interview below.

About the Author

Brian German

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Ag News Director, AgNet West