
Almond Update: Making the Most of Your Pollination Investment

Brian GermanAlmond Update


Almond growers and crop advisors will get a chance to review what went right with this season’s bloom at the 2020 Virtual Almond Conference. Almond Board of California’s Chief Scientific Officer Josette Lewis said the session, titled ‘Pollination: Getting the Most from Your Investment’, will review the season and update attendees on the ongoing research in the field of pollinators. Lewis noted that growers invest a lot of money into pollination and this session will help them make sure those dollars are making the most impact. 

Lewis said they will also review the two incentive programs ABC coordinated this year and have video presentations with more details on each. The session is at 9:00 am on December 10th. The industry can still register online for the Almond Conference that runs December 8 through 10.

About the Author

Taylor Hillman