
Almond Update: Make This Season’s Bloom as Successful as 2020

Brian GermanAlmond Update

Almond Board

Almond Board of California‘s Chief Scientific Officer Josette Lewis held an informational seminar about pollination at the 2020 Virtual Almond Conference. She noted how and why last season’s bloom was so successful and detailed several tools and ongoing research to protect that investment growers make every year. 

A recent cold, wet weather system in most of the almond producing areas of the state is holding off the fast-approaching 2021 bloom period. ABC said now is a great time to make sure your orchard is ready to go when buds start breaking. Watch Lewis’s session at the 2020 Virtual Almond Conference below.

Get more information about the Pollinator Partnership’s Bee Friendly Farming program and Project Apis m.‘s Seeds for Bees program by watching the videos below.

About the Author

Taylor Hillman