
Almond Update: Almond Board Highlights Health Benefits at Annual Conference

DanAlmond Update, Almonds, News from our Sponsors

Almond Board

At the Almond Conference, Elena Hemler, Associate Director of Nutrition Research at the Almond Board of California, shared insights into the latest research on almonds and health. Speaking on a panel, Hemler discussed the organization’s long-standing commitment to funding nutrition research, which began in the 1990s with studies on heart health.

Since then, research has expanded into areas such as weight management, diabetes, and gut health. Recently, a panel of 11 world-leading nutrition scientists gathered in Modesto to review 30 years of almond research and reached a consensus on its benefits. “We have a great white paper that was drafted by these experts that is now accepted for peer-reviewed publication,” Hemler said.

The Almond Board aims to distribute this information widely, including to policymakers and the medical community, in hopes of integrating almonds into dietary guidelines.

New areas of research are also emerging, including studies on exercise recovery, sleep, mental health, and skin health. Notably, Hemler highlighted research showing that almond consumption may reduce fine lines and wrinkles in postmenopausal women.

With growing scientific support, the Almond Board continues to advocate for increased almond consumption as part of a healthy diet.

Almond Update: Almond Board Highlights Health Benefits at Annual Conference