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Almond Update: 2024 Nutrient Summit Coming Up January 10

Brian GermanAlmond Update, Almonds, News from our Sponsors

The Almond Board of California (ABC) is hosting the 2024 Nutrient Summit next week at the UC Merced Conference Center. The summit runs from 7:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 10. Growers, PCAs, CCAs, and other industry members are invited to hear the latest information and research updates related to nutrient management.

Nutrient Summit

“We’ll have an opportunity to learn from industry experts about almond nutrient management,” said Sebastian Saa, ABC Associate Director of Agricultural Research. “Nutrient management is a very important topic for our industry, especially during these challenging times, because fertilizers are one of our most significant input costs. And because the proper use of them is key to satisfying regulatory requirements as well as to optimize productivity.”

A significant amount of time and effort went into planning the 2024 Nutrient Summit. Saa explained the goal was to put together a program with the most relevant topics with information presented by the most renowned experts in the field. Topics that will be covered as part of the summit include nitrogen and potassium management in mature orchards. “We’ll then move to talk about foliar nutrients and biostimulants. That will be a talk given by distinguished UC Davis Professor Patrick Brown, who has worked more than three decades in this area,” said Saa.

After the panel, there will be a presentation on optimal fertigation techniques. UC ANR Farm Advisor Franz Niederholzer will also be giving a keynote presentation during lunch, highlighting strategies for organic fertilization planning in mature almond orchards.

“While we covered some of this at [The Almond Conference], this is really an opportunity to dig into these topics in way more detail with more practical examples and share more of what we have learned together,” Saa explained. “So, I invite everybody to register to”

Listen to Saa’s interview below.

Brian German
Ag News Director / AgNet West