Almond Board: Almond Processing and Food Safety

Taylor HillmanGeneral, Specialty Crops, Tree, nut & vine crops

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Food safety is important to the Almond Board of California and almond growers. Sabrina Hill has more on how the Almond Board recently gave Food and Drug Administration representatives a first hand look at food safety practices.
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The Almond board was recently able to take several representatives from the Food and Drug Administration on tours to show them some of the measures that go into making sure California almonds are safe. Almond Board Director of Quality Assurance and Industry Services, Tim Birmingham explains.
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He says there are a lot of natural forces at work, like wind that blows in contamination. He says those contaminates are caught further along in the process.
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He says the tour was a good opportunity for the Almond Board to get some information to the FDA.
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He points out there’s another step that goes into the almond processing for food safety measures.
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The Almond Board has more information about food safety from start to finish on their website,