Almond Matters: Proactive Measures for Disease Threats

Brian German Almond Matters, Almonds, News from our Sponsors

In today’s Almond Matters, brought to you by Valent U.S.A., concerns arise for growers as bloom season commences amidst stormy weather in California. Field Market Development Specialist with Valent U.S.A., Todd Burkdoll advises growers to brace for challenges. The moisture combined with fairly warm temperatures creates an ideal environment for disease threats. With rainfall impeding field access, Burkdoll highlights the necessity of protective measures post-rain to safeguard blossoms.

Disease Threats

“Getting something on there to protect the bloom is going to be critical. More guys did it already, as they anticipated the rain coming. But people who didn’t are going to need to get in there as soon as possible to stop it from destroying everything,” Burkdoll noted. “When the environments conducive to disease, it will happen.”

Aerial applications can be a viable option given the saturated fields creating difficulties for navigating orchards. Burkdoll emphasizes the significance of fruit set and pollination, cautioning that adverse weather conditions could hinder overall fruit development. Urging prompt action, Burkdoll recommends utilizing effective contact fungicides in combination with preventative treatments to curtail disease spread. “There’s several of them out there that would work to prevent just total spread of monilinia,” said Burkdoll.

With bees grounded during rainfall and pollen tube growth stunted in cooler temperatures the potential for compromised fruit set looms. While early bloom progress is noted, Burkdoll underscores the importance of applying fungicides promptly to mitigate disease threats and ensure optimal fruit development.

“Everything as of last Friday was starting to pop pretty good,” Burkdoll said. “It may be slowed down a little bit, but it’s still going to come. The key right now is going to be to get in there and protect the bloom after you can get in, so you don’t lose everything to blossom blight because the potential is there.”

Listen to the report below.