Almond Matters: Getting Ahead of Weeds with Preemergents

Brian GermanAlmond Matters, Almonds, News from our Sponsors

In today’s Almond Matters, brought to you by Valent U.S.A., growers are getting going with preemergents ahead of the rainy season. Field Market Development Specialist with Valent USA, Todd Burkdoll said that he typically likes to make applications right around Thanksgiving.


“Usually we’ve had some moisture by that time and it’s easier to kill with the burndown materials. It’s easier to kill the younger weeds than it is the ones that are already growing and blowing,” Burkdoll noted. “At the same time, you get better coverage when there’s nothing to intercept your preemergents going down. So I tend to like to put it on a little earlier. Late November, early December, if you can.”

Growers will also have the option to come back into the field with a sequential application in the spring, depending on the materials used and what’s allowed by the label. Burkdoll noted that field prep is a central component of getting effective management of weeds. Clean berms and removal of leaves or leftover weeds will allow for better coverage and incorporation into the soil. Herbicide materials will need to penetrate the upper soil profile where weed seeds germinate.

“Coming up on another storm here, if you can, get out your preemergent before the storm and then have the rainfall with that storm incorporate your materials into the soil. So, you get a twofer out of it,” Burkdoll explained. “But you’ve got to get incorporation. Incorporation is really, really key.”

Some of the most effective treatments last year sustained growers for up to 180 days after the application. Burkdoll said most of those applications were also accompanied by a burndown material. If the coming winter brings a similar amount of rainstorms, growers will be best served if they make their preparations early. Weed, pest, and disease issues were especially problematic last year as a result of the abundance of moisture in orchards throughout the season.

Listen to the report below.