Almond Matters: Developing A Dormant Control Program

Brian GermanAlmond Matters

In today’s Almond Matters, brought to you by Valent, the start of a new year means that almond bloom will not be too far behind.  Establishing a strong dormant control program is a critical factor in addressing pest pressures later in the year. Using appropriate materials during dormancy affords growers the ability to keep pest populations at manageable levels.

dormant control program

“As far as insect pressure goes, navel orangeworm is probably the number one pest for going after in almonds up here,” said Field Market Development Specialist for Valent USA Todd Burkdoll. “In order to tackle that pest, a good dormant program I think is critical to making it work.”

Navel orangeworm has been a serious concern for the industry for a number of years.  Adequate preparation during the winter months will mitigate serious pest issues later in the season.  Orchard sanitation and material applications are two of the most important factors to consider for a good dormant control program. “Most of the overwintering larvae are in mummy nuts in the trees and they’re a food source for navel orangeworm,” Burkdoll noted.

Growers had historically used chlorpyrifos materials in the orchards before it was decided to be phased out in California. A working group was put together for the purpose of developing short and long-term solutions regarding how to replace chlorpyrifos.  There are several alternative materials that are already available to growers, and Burkdoll explained that growers will have about a few more weeks to get their applications finished up.

“Typically, you can do a dormant application with oil.  What they used to use was Lorsban. Now with Lorsban’s demise, a lot of people are recommending – and what we’re recommending – is Asana,” Burkdoll noted. “Seize, Asana, and oil: that’s a really good mix for picking up the scale and then you put Asana in there to get the navel orangeworm.”

Listen to the report below.