Almond Board: State of the Almond Industry

Taylor HillmanAlmond Update, General, Specialty Crops, Tree, nut & vine crops

almond industry
The 2015 Almond Conference is happening this week in Sacramento, and a big presentation every year is the State of the Almond Industry. Sabrina Hill has more.

State of the Almond Industry

Almond Board of California (ABC) Chairman Mike Mason and ABC President and CEO Richard Waycott opened the 43rd Almond Conference today with a presentation on the state of the industry. During the session, Mason and Waycott discussed the challenges the California almond industry faced throughout the year and the resilience the industry demonstrated in response to those challenges.

“We have never wavered from knowing who we are and addressing the task at hand,” said Waycott. “We never lost sight of our vision for the industry or our marching orders to achieve that vision.”

Mason and Waycott also shared their visions for the future of California agriculture and the leadership that the almond industry must provide in the years to come, both at home and abroad.

The Almond Conference, held at the Sacramento Convention Center, is a three-day event where California almond industry members come together to learn from industry experts about the most recent research on production, the environment, food safety and nutrition; connect and network with influential members of the almond community; and equip their operations from the 230-plus exhibitors at the concurrent trade show. The Almond Conference is presented by Almond Board of California.