Almond Board: Upcoming Almond Grower Field Day

DanTree, nut & vine crops

almond update logo2The Almond Board is inviting growers out to a special field day coming up. Almond Board Director of Industry Relations Jenny Nicolau has the information.

 Almond Board: Upcoming Almond Grower Field Day

Calling all Northern California Almond Growers! You are invited to a special almond workshop in Chico on Tuesday, March 25 to be held at the Holiday Inn. This half-day event will focus on the Nitrogen Management Assessment tool, created by UC Davis’s Patrick Brown. Growers are encouraged to bring a laptop or tablet to the event as a portion of the day will be spent on creating personal nitrogen management plans. The day will conclude with a working lunch (no cost to attendees) and a presentation by Northern California Water Association’s Bruce Houdesheldt, who will speak on Nitrogen Management Plan Requirements and other requirements coming down the turnpike that may affect almond growers in the northern region.

Tuesday, March 25 10:00 a.m.

Holiday Inn, Chico 685 Manzanita Court Chico, CA

Don’t miss this very important event!

RSVP today by emailing Jenny Nicolau at or texting ‘Yes’ and the number of participants to 209-605-8150.