Almond Board: Thanksgiving Message

Taylor HillmanAlmond Update

For this week’s Almond Update, Almond Board President and CEO Richard Waycott has a Thanksgiving message for growers.

Listen to his message:

About the Almond Board of California:

California’s wholesome, high-quality almonds are recognized all over the world. Almonds are California’s second largest acreage crop and the state’s most valuable agricultural export.

Almond Board of California supports growers by developing global market demand for almonds as well as investing in research to address resource efficiencies, food safety and growing practices. The Board does this on behalf of the 6,800 almond growers and 100 processors in California, many of whom are third- and fourth-generation farmers. To keep almonds as a sustainable crop for California, the Board increased and accelerated research investment in key areas like water quality and irrigation practices, pest management, air quality and biomass.

Established in 1950 and based in Modesto, California, Almond Board of California is a non-profit organization that administers a grower-enacted Federal Marketing Order under the supervision of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

In the 1950’s, the Board dealt primarily with compliance issues and, accordingly, was called the Almond Control Board. In the 1970’s, recognizing a need to address market development, the organization’s name was changed to Almond Board of California. While compliance is still a crucial part of its activities, the Board now engages in production, nutrition and market research, advertising and promotion in domestic and international markets, quality control, technical/regulatory issues management and statistical analysis and dissemination. In addition, the Board staff develops educational materials and disseminates information that helps the industry address the challenges facing agriculture. As a Federal Marketing Order, it is important to note that the Board is prohibited from lobbying and setting field or market prices.

The Board of Directors is composed of 10 members, five growers and five handlers, who are annually elected from throughout the state. Once elected, the Board elects its chair and vice-chair. The Board members give the chair the authority to appoint individuals to standing committees. Board and committee members serve without compensation. The Board is responsible for establishing policy, reviewing program results and effectiveness and recommending budgets and programs to the Secretary of Agriculture for approval. The Almond Board is funded by an annual assessment on the marketable kernel weight of almonds.

Almond industry members can learn about Board-appointed committees, subcommittees and working groups, and ways to join in at