Almond Board: New Tracks for 2016 Almond Conference

Taylor HillmanAlmond Update, General, Specialty Crops, Tree, nut & vine crops

Almond Board of California
This year’s Almond Conference will be bigger than ever before. Almond Board Program Coordinator Rebecca Bailey gives us some highlights.

Almond Update for September 3

Each year, The Almond Conference planning team raises the bar to ensure that The Almond Conference is better than before.

With close to the 3,000 attendees representing all facets of the industry, this event offers something for everyone.

This year, the Conference is providing more content than ever by implementing five unique tracks that will run simultaneously and cover specific topics. These tracks consist of:
• Production and Environmental Research Updates, which will include workshops and symposiums like Pollination Update and a Pest Management workshop
• Grower Hot Topics, which will include Tree Growth and Biology, Impact of Water Regulations and Canker disease
• Regulatory Updates for growers and handlers
• Almond Quality and Food Safety for quality assurance and research and development audiences
• Marketing Almonds to encompass ABC’s established and emerging markets

The Almond Conference is open for all to attend, and registration is complimentary. Simply visit and click on the ‘Register’ tab to sign up today!