
Almond Board: Harvest Dust Tips

Taylor HillmanAlmond Update, General

harvest dust tipsHarvest dust is top of mind for almond growers, as they move into the harvest season. Almond Board  director for Sustainability and Environmental Affairs, Dr. Gabriele Ludwig has some tips for growers.

Listen to the interview with Gabriele Ludwig.

More from the Almond Board of California:

Acquiring or using low-dust harvest equipment may not be an option for all, so Almond Board of California has prepared several resources for almond growers that explain research-based tools and techniques to reduce dust during harvest. These include:

  • Managing Dust at Harvest technical guide (in English and Spanish);
  • Managing Dust at Harvest video (in English and Spanish), which demonstrates the steps outlined in the technical guide;
  • Short videos that outline dust management strategies according to stage of harvest: Preharvest, Sweeping and Pickup (in English and Spanish); and
  • Harvest Dust Tool Kit, with a key chain to measure sweeper head height, as well as window clings and a durable guide to the top four dust-reduction strategies.

These resources and more, including a Sweeper Cost Analysis Calculator, are available at