
Almond Board: Best Management Practices During Bloom

Taylor HillmanAlmond Update, News from our Sponsors

best management practicesBloom is around the corner for the almond industry, and it’s vital for the industry to be mindful of the pollination process. The Almond Board of California (ABC) has some best management practices (BMPs) they developed and recommend to growers. ABC’s Director of Agricultural Affairs, Bob Curtis says BMP’s start with good communication and have strong recommendations on insecticide use and fungicide timing during the bloom period.

Listen to Curtis’ interview.

From the Almond Board of California:
As part of an ongoing commitment to honey bee health, Almond Board of California developed a comprehensive set of Honey Bee Best Management Practices (BMPs) for California’s almond industry. Developed with a wide array of input from sources including the almond community, beekeepers, researchers, California and U.S. regulators, and chemical registrants, “Honey Bee Best Management Practices for California Almonds” represents the Almond Board’s most extensive educational documents to date to ensure that almond orchards are and remain a safe and healthy place for honey bees. The documents lay out simple, practical steps that almond growers can take together with beekeepers and other pollination stakeholders to protect and promote bee health on their land and in the surrounding community.

About the Author

Taylor Hillman