
Alberta Beef Producers Want TB Support


Alberta Farm cattle
The Alberta Beef Producers organization is calling for financial support for ranchers as Canada investigates a case of bovine tuberculosis. Ag Canada reports the group recently said a significant number of herds had been quarantined in the investigation. They also noted the number of herds quarantined could increase as the tracebacks of animals in contact with any positive animals over the last five years proceed. ABP says bills will pile up for quarantined ranchers and is calling for help to offset the cost. The organization says it is working with Canada’s government to get support. ABP says the support is needed to “help producers cover the costs of holding and feeding quarantine animals, as well as the costs of lost marketing opportunities.” In late September, the U.S. Department of Agriculture notified the Canadian Food Inspection Agency that a case of bovine tuberculosis had been detected in a cow from Alberta when it was slaughtered in the United States. For Canada, bovine tuberculosis is a federally reportable disease, and the nation is considered to be officially free of the disease.

Click here for Alberta Beef Producers speaking points on the Alberta bovine tuberculosis case.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.

Video from: Canadian Food Inspection Agency

Dr. Harpreet Kochhar, the Chief Veterinary Officer for Canada, providing an update on the Canadian Food Inspection Agency’s bovine tuberculosis investigation in southeast Alberta.

The CFIA will be providing regular updates on key developments in the investigation on our web site. Please visit… for the latest information.

Hello. My name is Dr. Harpreet Kochhar and I am the Chief Veterinary Officer for Canada.

As you may know, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency is currently involved in a bovine tuberculosis investigation in southeast Alberta. I would like to provide you with an overview of the Agency`s efforts to date.

Bovine tuberculosis, or as it’s often called bovine TB, is a reportable disease in Canada and has been subject to a mandatory national eradication program since 1923. While Canada is considered to be officially free of Bovine TB today, isolated cases may occur.

In late September, the CFIA was notified by the United States Department of Agriculture that Bovine TB had been detected in an Alberta cow that was slaughtered at a facility in the USA. This finding does not affect Canada’s current status, with all provinces considered to be Bovine TB-free.

During a bovine TB investigation, quarantines and movement restrictions are placed on any implicated farms. Testing, humane destruction, and disposal are carried out as required.

As this investigation involves a significant number of herds and requires the tracing of the movement of animals for the past five years plus testing, it is not expected to be completed for several months.

As the disease investigation proceeds, additional premises may need to be quarantined while cattle are tested for Bovine TB.

We recognize that the quarantines and movement controls are having a significant impact on producers, especially those that planned on fall sales of their animals.
The CFIA is bringing in additional staff to Alberta from other regions to help with on-farm testing and Agency labs are prepared for the increased number of samples.

The CFIA will pay compensation to producers as quickly as possible for any animals ordered destroyed. Producers may be eligible for assistance for expenses not covered by the CFIA’s compensation authority from other programs involving Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and Alberta Agriculture and Forests.

The CFIA will be providing regular updates on key developments in the investigation on our web site. Please visit for the latest information.

Let me close by thanking the producers, their industry associations and the Province of Alberta for their cooperation in the ongoing investigation.
Thank you.