
Agriculture’s ‘Do No Harm’ Message Getting Through?

DanIndustry News Release

messageAgriculture’s ‘do no harm’ message to those renegotiating NAFTA seems to be getting through…but will it bear fruit?

American Farm Bureau trade adviser Dave Salmonsen says a joint letter from AFBF and the Canadian and Mexican farm associations to their respective governments, is getting the message across


But while the negotiators say publicly they seek to preserve the pact’s gains for their farmers and ranchers, they say they want more than minor changes, including better trade flows, labor and environmental standards, and a dispute settlement system some US industries oppose.

And they want ‘fixes’ in some ag areas that some fear could cause mischief in others


But time is short and the ‘political clock’ is ticking with Mexico’s next big election, next July first


Meantime, Mexico is negotiating a trade deal with the EU, Canada’s exploring talks with China, and both Canada and Mexico are pressing forward with the Trans-Pacific Partnership, that the US withdrew from in January.

Read more about the joint letter and hear comments from Canada, Mexico, and U.S. representatives.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.