Agriculture Could Mingle into Next Presidential Debate

DanCattle, Industry News Release

hillary-clinton-donald-trump agriculture
Agriculture could enter the spotlight at the next debate between presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Sunday at Washington University in St Louis, Missouri. Politico reports an agriculture question is “more likely than you think,” but not from a favored agricultural source. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, or PETA, has submitted a question regarding animal agriculture for consideration by ABC and CNN. The proposed question: “The U.S. is set to miss its 2025 environmental targets. Given that animal agriculture produces 51 percent of greenhouse-gas emissions, will you protect the environment by promoting a plant-based lifestyle?” As Politico reports, the proposed question “really could make it.” ABC and CNN are using an online voting system for questions and will consider the 30 most popular questions. As of Thursday afternoon, the question was 28th most popular with more than 12,000 votes. Four of the current top 30 questions mention climate change, while another addresses food security. The voting is online at Presidential Open

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.