Agriculture Labor Seeing Competitive Trend

Taylor HillmanLabor and Immigration

Agriculture Labor
A competitive trend in an already challenging agriculture labor, sector is leaving some producers out of luck during harvest.

Agriculture Labor Seeing Competitive Trend

Producers across the United States are seeing labor challenges, especially in California. Growers often struggle in some degree to find capable workers to harvest the mass amount of specialty crops grown in the state. California Farm Bureau Director of Employment Policy Brian Little says he has seen a competitive trend when it comes to acquiring labor. Producers are slightly raising their pay to top other producers in their area.

Little also says that farms are starting to consolidate into bigger groups. This allows them to use the same labor for the different crops produced and the diversification, of course, has some additional benefits.

USDA Labor Information

For general information regarding labor laws enforced by the U.S. Department of Labor, see the publication Employment Law Guide: Laws, Regulations, and Technical Assistance Services. The Employment Law Guide describes the statutes and regulations administered by the Department of Labor that affect businesses and workers. The Guide is designed mainly for those needing “hands-on” information to develop wage, benefit, safety and health, and nondiscrimination policies for businesses in general industry. Read more from USDA.