trade mission

Agricultural Trade Caucus to Support Better Market Access and Improved Policy

Brian GermanAgri-Business, Trade

Agricultural Trade Caucus

Four bipartisan lawmakers have initiated the Congressional Agricultural Trade Caucus aiming to enhance U.S. agricultural trade. Announced last week, the caucus includes Congressmen Adrian Smith (R-NE), Jim Costa (D-CA), Dusty Johnson (R-SD), and Jimmy Panetta. The primary mission of the caucus revolves around fostering policies that invigorate agricultural exports, fortify market access, and dismantle unnecessary trade hurdles.

Representative Smith emphasized the pivotal role of broadened market access in fueling economic growth and bolstering global partnerships. Representative Costa underscored the imperative of global market access for the nation’s agricultural heartland, ensuring its competitiveness in the international arena. “Together, we are committed to ensuring new trade agreements are enforceable, high-standard deals that ensure fairness and expand new markets for the immense bounty our country produces,” said Representative Panetta.

Central to the caucus’s agenda is addressing mounting concerns over agricultural trade deficits and overreliance on specific markets. By advocating for enforceable trade agreements and expanding market access, the caucus aims to safeguard American farmers against economic vulnerabilities and diversify export avenues. Additionally, the Agriculture Trade Caucus intends to provide support in resolving trade disputes and navigating complex trade negotiations. The formation of the caucus was met with support from agricultural groups including the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) and Farmers for Free Trade.

“AFBF appreciates House lawmakers for coming together in a bipartisan manner to form an agriculture trade caucus. We have a real opportunity to showcase American agriculture on the global stage,” AFBF President Zippy Duvall said in a press release. “Expanded trade agreements will help ensure America’s farmers and ranchers remain economically sustainable by providing access to new markets as they feed families around the world.”

Brian German
Ag News Director / AgNet West