
Agri View: Weather Disasters

DanAgri View, Weather

Everett Griner talks about 2016 disasters to agriculture crops in today’s Agri View.

Weather Disasters

Well 2016 was not a year without its weather disasters for farmers. I might have been the worst year but crop loss is crop loss no matter when or how severe. The summer long drought across the northeastern region didn’t affect any major crops but losing something as confined as cranberries is still a disaster. Late in the year Hurricane Matthew battered the southeastern coast of the country in four states. Wind and rain did wholesale damage in the Carolina’s. They are still adding the costs of the crops in North Carolina. Major damage in Georgia was to cotton and pecans. Both crops were hard hit. Cotton harvest was in full swing and pecans were just about ready to begin. Rain and mostly wind destroyed millions of dollars of both crops. These were not all, but they are the major ones. So, 2016 disaster losses did add up.

That’s Agri View for today. I’m Everett Griner.