trade mission

Agri View: Agriculture Trade Problems

DanAgri View, Trade

trade problemsEverett Griner talks about trade problems in today’s Agri View. Everett discusses how this will affect export possibilities for the producers.

Farmers were one of President Trump’s largest support groups in the last election. The problem he has created for all of them may possible change that in the next one.

chinaThese embargoes. Changes in TPP, and NAFTA. All are issues that do a lot of damage to agriculture. It is easy to see that these executions could very well put all of agriculture into a very disastrous environment. Not just soybeans, and cotton farmers. It is all of agriculture.

Farm exports are what keeps agriculture strong. It is more than just China. United States farm products are exported all over the world. The only difference is, China buys more. But, much of Europe depends on U.S. agriculture. We even export farm goods to Latin America.

So, it is not hard to see why farmers are concerned. Is it?

That’s Agri View for today. I’m Everett Griner…